Monday 9 March 2009

Hardcore Girls

I was just checking out the Crossfit website yesterday, having attended one of their classes the night before. If you haven't heard of CrossFit, then I would get across to Cross Fit and have a read of their philosophy and hardcore workouts they're doing. Anyway, going through their website, I stumbled across this little video and was so impressed that I thought I'd share it with you:

Click here and check it out,

Now those are some Hardcore Girls !!! I'm not sure how I'd cope with those Muscle Ups and then Hang Cleans, come the 3rd set. If you bothered to watch it til the end you would have seen the final girl to finish, practically break down with the emotion of pushing herself like that. Massive respect to her.

The workout that my local Crossfit instructor put me through was the following:
Kettlebell Swing (50lb) x 5, 10, 15
Gym Horse Vault x 5, 10, 15
Kettlebell Snatch (35lb) x 5LR, 10LR, 15LR
Gym Horse Vault x 5, 10, 15

We worked in teams of 2 either side of the Gym Horse and had to do the number of vaults each time to cross over to the other side to do the other Kettlebell exercise. This was done for the quickest time possible (we raced the other teams).

I felt messed up afterward (enough said).

Let us know what you think of the ladies efforts in this video.

Are you tough enough for the hardcore challenge?

Andrew and Alex

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