Wednesday 7 January 2009

Dreaming Higher

Right, time for some more headtalk. It's January, so I imagine some of you have made some New Years fitness resolutions, probably made a start on a new programme and/or diet. Some of you may have not bothered this year, because either you did it last year and gave in a few days or weeks later, or you are fairly happy with how you are doing now and don't see the point in it.

Goals are important in achieving great things. I would say within fitness, they're as important as the quality of the programme you're working. And we shouldn't be put off by fear of failure or complacency. In fact, it's the chance of failure that is the very thing that gives us the chance to grow. Being out on a limb, in new territory, pushing the boundaries, that's where the most risk is, but also the most reward.

If you have set goals for yourself already, have another look at them. Are they challenging for you? Are you really stretching yourself? Or have you set goals that you know are easily achievable? If you have aimed high already, then congratulations, you have the "Hardcore Workout" mindset already. If not, then I challenge you to set your goals a little higher. Dare to dream.

I thought we'd show you this video of a free climber pushing the limits:

No Fear, eh? Well.......I don't know. I don't know the guy personally and whether he has had to overcome his natural fear of height or whether he is just a bit nuts and has no fear. But I want to say this. Courage isn't the absence of fear. It takes no courage to do something that doesn't scare you. It's having the fear and doing it anyway that's courageous.

So again, have a look inside and ask yourself "is fear holding me back from dreaming big, from setting higher goals?".

Are you fit enough for "The Hardcore Workout"?

Andrew & Alex

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